This Christmas break has been a whirlwind. I have been looking forward to it for months and now it's over. It's amazing how time flies. We squeezed alot into a month so here are some pictures to prove it.
First, my parents and Reag came home for Christmas and Oklahoma experienced its biggest snow storm of the last 50 years or something. Mom, and dad, and Reagan are used to that now that they live in Alaska, but for us it was a huge deal. It was an awesome Christmas, except for the fact that Tate was a little late to get to us. We had an awesome couple weeks of family time and now look forward to spending time with everyone plus baby girl James in California in March. CAN'T WAIT!! 
We said goodbye to the fam in OK and headed down south to spend a few weeks in Venezuela for New Years and such. New Year's Eve in Venezuela was a new experience for me. The fireworks were unbelievable. They started the 29th and didn't stop until about January 2nd. Literally. It was very cool.
After freezing in the Andes (ha!) we relaxed and enjoyed one of the most amazing beaches there is. Perfect white sand, turquoise water, and virtual seclusion are a hard to beat combination.
It was amazing. It's always so hard for me to leave.
It was amazing. It's always so hard for me to leave.
We got home from Venezuela on a Sunday and two days later we hopped in the car and spent 3 days riding in Breckenridge. My good friend Kaylyn came with us and was brave enough to let us teach her to snowboard. She did awesome! We had a blast. It was a great way to round out the Christmas break.
As I write this I can see the snow falling again in Oklahoma. It's beautiful. Efren is back to school and I am back to work. It's good to get back to a routine for a while. Not too long though. Baby niece will be here soon so we're headed to California in about a month. We'll see if I update again before then....
Wow, so newsy, and with pics. I had just this morning gone over all the events in your life since your last blog.... a few to say the least! So glad to see the pics. Not snowing here, you should move north for our warm weather. :)
I love the pics and update from your month!!! Glad you guys had such a good time....enjoy it now before you get knocked up ;) (That'll be REAL soon right!?!?!)
Can't wait to see you in less than 6 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YAY BLOGGING! I should do that. I'm so proud. And what a thorough update of the past...forever...I'm so proud. I love you, sis!!
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