As some would say, and I would's the most wonderful time of the year! Tomorrow begins the much anticipated 2009 OU football season. I can't wait. I love the sounds, the smells, the feelings, the competition, and comradery that it entangles. I love the feeling of being here...

and listening to the band play the national anthem followed by OOOOOOOklahoma which inevitably brings goosebumps to my arms and a sense of good ole OK pride. Ok ok, maybe a little water to the eyes as well. What can I say, I'm an emotional being. The excitement is tangible surrounded by 86,000 people all yelling in unison. I know there are a few in my family who would agree.....aaaaand then there are a couple who couldn't care less. But, all this to say, we are excited about the season as always, it seems to get more exciting each year. Look for Efren and I in the stands. We will be there thanks to my parents (and the fact that we are the only true fans left in the family ;) ). It should be a good one.
Boo injuries!!! I got to watch the first quarter at the State Fair at a DishTV booth. Thanks for the updates but was looking for better
I care. Kind of. I enjoy the atmosphere and cheering and stuff. I like watching some of the games. Just not every single one. And every other college's But, you guys are definitely more hard core fans than me. I do know what you mean about good ole Oklahoma pride. I got that!!
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