This has been a very different week for me, personally. I guess it all starts last November when my oldest brother and my sister-in-law moved to Huntington Beach, California.

If someone would have told me a year ago that we would all be where we are today I would not have believed it. I am so happy for all of them and the places that God has pushed and pulled them, and I'm so excited for all the new and different things that they will each experience, but I have to be honest and say that I wish it were different. I know that is selfish but it's the truth. It may seem weird, but in my perfect world we would all live in the same neighborhood. Yes, it would be somewhere on the beach but where the cost of living was like Oklahoma. ;) Keep dreaming, right? I know. I dread the day when Tate graduates and moves too. I'm not sure what I'll do with myself. Maybe you'll have to commit me, or maybe I'll have to get pregnant to force my parents back down to the lower 48. Ha, that's terrible.....but don't think I won't do it! I know change is good, (not all change, but that's another topic) but I'm just not one that deals with it seemlessly, especially when it comes to my family. Being here without my safety net is something I will just have to get used to, but I don't know if I ever truly will. Praise the Lord for technology such as cell phones and skype, but even that is not the same as the craziness that is the 8 of us when we are all together. Maybe now I will cherish those moments even more.
On a lighter note, Efren and I are leaving monday afternoon and heading to spend some time in Colorado with one of my best friends! I can't wait to get to hang out with her and her husband and sweet little boy. It will be awesome for them to be able to get to know Efren even more too. If you think about it, please pray for His protection as we drive. We are planning on leaving Monday around noon, or after I wake up since I'm working the night before. We are stopping in Salina,KS to spend the evening and night with Efren's cousin Christian, and then we will head to Littleton Tuesday morning. We will just spend the week hanging out, enjoying life and little Beckett then Sunday, we are making the looooong drive back since we both work on monday.
I'm not trying to make this post a pity party, and I hope it doesn't sound that way. This has just been a major life change, and I couldn't help but write about it.

By the way, which flag is coolest??
oh my darlin girl! I'm choked up... I love you endlessly. I am so sorry it is so hard. I know it is just a season too, but wow. We will be back, count on it! I love the idea that we all live in the same neighborhood. Let's do it! You and e pick the place, wherever, and we will all congregate there! I like it!
I miss you two so is for a season. We think the Alaska flag is the best since the Oklahoma flag was not there.
I miss you guys so much. Letting go of you was by far the hardest of anyone. I guess our parents raised us well so that family will always mean more than anything in the world. I do love all the times when the 8 of us are together. They seem to be rare but I always enjoy them. No matter where I go, I'll always come back. I tend to gravitate toward family. I love you cayce girl and I miss you. Thanks for loving me and teaching me all that you have over the past 18 years. Miss you.
And Alaska is the best flag. :)
Oh come on! You know that the Cali flag is by far the coolest! You Alaska people can't argue that. It has a bear on it!
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