There are lots of things that really get my blood pumping. A few of those things are music, worship, and dance. I feel like these are such awesome forms of expression, especially when the three are combined. Over the last couple of years I have had a hard time finding my passion. Yeah, I'm a nurse, and I like to think I'm good at it, but it's not my passion in life. Recently, I have started realizing I have a huge passion for dance. Yeah, I've liked it pretty much my whole life, but it never was a passion like it has been in recent years. It touches me like few other things do. I love it...all kinds.
My mom put me in ballet and tap classes when I was young, but the tutus were way too girlie. I was always jealous of the outfits of the girls in jazz class. They were so much cooler. Now, looking back, I wish I would have stuck with it. I got into ballroom dancing a few years ago and absolutely loved it, but had to quit a few months later because it was outrageously expensive. I have wanted to go back since. Yesterday, as I was sleeping to prepare for tonight's shift, my sweet husband found several adds in the newspaper for the local dance studios, cut them out, and had them waiting for me when I woke up. I called them all looking for one that offers classes to those of us past our dancing "prime," aka over 18, and may have found a couple options. I'm hoping to get into a class or two for the fall and see what happens. I would love to find a place that I can worship through dance. It's kinda like "make a joyful noise to the Lord." Not necessarily a beautiful noise, but just a joyful one. I want to make a joyful dance move! Maybe it will be a beautiful one, that would be nice, but at least it will be joyful!

Maybe this will be me in the future, who knows. Hey, one can dream, right? ;)