Only one more day of work until I'm off Doesn't that sound amazing? It does, but honestly it scares me a little bit. What if I forget how to be a nurse? Oh no.
Efren's grampa is pretty sick and since we didn't have any plans to go to Venezuela for a while we were worried we may not see him again. :( so, after much thought and prayer we decided this is the time we ought to go. I have a very flexible job and for some reason Efren doesn't have one yet. Efren starts his masters in August and after that, he won't have much vacation time. This seemed to be the only time we would ever be able to go for more than a week so we thought we might as well take advantage of that.
As for what we will be doing for 7 weeks, we aren't totally sure. I know Efren will be working at the store his parents own, and I will be working on my spanish skills. Possibly some trips to the beach and I know we will be spending alot of time with his family. Since hearing that we are coming, his grampa has felt better and been more active. I think it's one of those things. He has something to look forward to so his demeanor improves. Sweet grampa.
There are a few major things that I will be missing. My dear friend is getting married. Not only are we missing the wedding, but my brother and sister-in-law are coming home from California and we will miss seeing them too. Also, my sister has the starring role in this.....

It's definitely not ideal timing, but I am trying to remember that in all things God works for the good, so I am ok with it.....most days anyway.
Please pray for us while we are gone. Pray for Efren's grampa and his family. We will keep you all updated!!
Well we will sure miss you guys but I bet it will be good times in Venny Ville. I still think you all should fly back a couple days early and come see us in Cali! You will want to move here!
We will of course be praying!
Awwww even though I don't get to see you, I will miss you too! I am glad you have this opportunity and that your job is so flexible! I will definitely be praying for you guys and Efren's grampa! Please keep us updated! Love you!!!!!
i'm going to miss you sooooooooooooo much!!!! but like you said...eyes on the prize!!! 12 whole days together in JUNE!
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