Saturday, November 8, 2008

House on the Horizon

So alot of things have been changing over the past week or so. Efren was supposed to start his masters in January, but we decided to put it off one more semester so that he could qualify for in-state tuition....That will save us about 15,000 bucks. So, after he gets his authorization to work he is gonna try to get a job until August. So, we decided that if we were going to, now would be the best time to buy a house! After looking at what's available and price ranges, we have pretty much decided that it might be better just to build. It all depends on a few things though. I am on the waiting list to move to a new position at work, it's more pay so that we could put more money down and save more. I'm sure that move won't happen for a couple months. Also, depends on when Efren is able to get a job. So, we have found the plan that we love, and possibly a lot to build on so if it all goes well we could start building around january or febuary! We are just praying for His will in this whole situation. It seems that this may be the best time since he will be in school for a year and a half and thinking about paying rent for that long makes me nauseous, but, we like where we are now so if He wants us to wait we will. We'll keep you posted.