Thursday, October 29, 2009

Last Saturday Efren and I, along with some of our friends, went out to Lake Thunderbird in Norman to go horseback riding! Now, I really like horseback riding, in fact I used to be quite obsessed with it, but I'm not a huge fan of just sitting on the horse while it plods along staring at the horse butt in front of him. Usually, that's as exciting as it gets. Saturday, however, we were able to choose either beginner, intermediate, or advanced horse. Beginners are trained to stick to the trail, and let me tell you, they do stick to the trail. Intermediates will basically go where you tell them to and will trot with a slight kick in side. Advanced horses will do the same, but are a little harder to handle because they are somewhat finicky. There were 6 of us. Five of us chose intermediate and only one girl, who was a little nervous, chose beginner. There is a trail that you follow, but when you come to a clearing you are allowed to trot or go around in circles or what have you. There is no guide so you have free reign, all they ask is that you don't run the horses. My horse was named Rocky and Efren's was Mojo (or Moho as he called him with his Venezuelan accent). Efren was a little nervous at first, not that he admitted it, but I could tell. ;) But after we got on and he and Moho bonded he had a blast trotting around and taking pictures. It was such a fun day and cool to do something different. I hope we can make it an annual thing.

Friday, October 23, 2009

One Year and Counting!

This past weekend we had the awesome priviledge of heading south to Dallas for a weekend gettaway and OU/Texas madness. Our one year anniversary was only a couple weeks before so we decided that's how we would celebrate. We headed out early Friday morning to beat traffic and spent most of the afternoon shopping at one of the huge outlet malls right outside of Dallas. That night we ate dinner at the House of Blues right down the street from our hotel. It was good, but I know the one in Anaheim is better. ;) After dinner we walked along the West End just to see the madness of thousands of people dressed in either burnt orange or crimson doing.....anything to show allegience to their team. Our hotel was about 10 feet from West End so needless to say I barely slept a wink that night!

Saturday was the game, and although the outcome was sad and we were all hurt again for Sam Bradford, it was an exciting game and such a fun atmosphere. It's true, there is nothing else like it.

That night we had an amazing dinner at the Cheesecake Factory and walked around a very expensive mall filled with designer stores. Sunday morning we packed up and headed north, but due to the potential traffic we stopped off for a few hours at yet another outlet mall. We got some great Christmas presents, found some good deals, lunched at BJ's, and headed home.

It was a great weekend, a fun weekend, and an awesome way to finish up our first year of marriage. It's hard to believe it's been a year. By the way, when is it that a couple is no longer considered newlyweds? Been wondering that. Our first year was amazing, we have both absolutely loved being married and are looking forward to what the Lord has in store for us this coming year. It should be an exciting one!

Sunday, October 11, 2009


I know it's been a while since I blogged, and I always promise to try harder. It may not seem like it, but I really do just doesn't happen. But here I am! This weekend was a blast. Efren's cousin, Patrick, and his new girlfriend, Amelia, came down to spend the weekend with us. Thanks to my awesome brother, Tate, we managed to snag 2 student tickets to the OU game so that we could all go together and it worked out wonderfully that the people in front of our season tickets didn't show up! I never remember them not being there so I think it was a God thing that we all got to sit together. Patrick is also from Venezuela and had never been to a college football game...let alone an OU game. We lent them some crimson attire and we all had so much fun. Amelia and I have the same camera and we busted them out on gameday with great intentions of documenting the whole thing. But.....both camera batteries were dead so I don't have any picks to post of us all bundled up cheering on the Sooners. Sorry.
Efren is doing great in school and really enjoying it. He is very busy since he is taking alot of hours, but still finds time for me and/or golf ;). Now that it is getting quite chilly I'm not sure how much more of the latter he will actually get to do. He is also in the process of looking for an internship possibility for this summer.
This weekend we are going down to Dallas for the OU/Texas game and to celebrate our anniversary. I'm also hoping to get some more Christmas shopping done. I'm actually close to finished! Just the darn boys....they are so much harder to buy for then girls!